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We use our funding to support creatives in the arts. We produce a minimum of six projects a year centred around a subject matter relating to identity, society and marginalisation. We work with creatives to explore these various sociological subjects through their creative practice. All our projects are supported by workshops, exhibitions and panel debates. We want to extend the subject matter and enhance the project to deeper places. Our mission is to deepen the conversation around particular subject matter to contribute to a more inclusive society. We believe creativity and sociology can be used to inspire and support undiscovered creatives from marginalised communities, specifally in areas outside big cities. 


We organise educational workshops that trigger and harbour debate around focused sociological issues within the community. 


We curate and create powerful installations that spark debate about sepcific subject matter centrerd around the world focusing on marginilised stories. 


We curate, support and champion artists who want to create or exhibit work within thier community. 

Panel Debates

We create panel debates and bring professionals, celebrities, experts and communites to discuss subject matter leading to policy, societal change. 


We support musicians who have a powerful political message. We have the ability to support and release music that makes a difference. 

Artist Grant opportunities

We have a yearly grant program to support artists financially. Please email us for information about this. 

© 2023 Say Something Collective

Say Something Collective. Registered CIC No: 2769788 

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